Do your stunts feel weak and wobbly?
You/your athletes probably think that the stunt itself is just too difficult, the flyer is too heavy, or the stunt group just doesn't work well together. Maybe you've adopted the idea that stunting will always be super hard... but that's wrong. It doesn't have to be that way. Stunting at any level can be easy if you train the right things!
I've created a 6-level training program with all the most effective and easily doable exercises for each stunt position (the majority require no equipment). You can do almost every exercise at home!
If you follow this program, you'll notice INSANE strength improvements. If you get to the 4th level or higher, you will likely be one of the strongest athletes in your gym!
All your skills, including tumbling and jumps, will become A LOT easier. Trust me, I've done this exact program myself and have never been stronger! That's why I'm sharing it with you :)
Of course, there's no guarantee that your stunts will hit every time, but being stronger will definitely improve the likelihood of them hitting.
What's included?
⭐1 downloadable PDF for you to follow along with at your own pace, on your own schedule
⭐Full-body warm-up video
⭐35 exercises total: 26 for bases, backspots and flyers (11 core, 9 lower body and 6 upper body), plus an additional 4 that are base/backspot-specific and 5 that are flyer-specific
⭐Each exercise comes with a specified number of sets and reps, written instructions explaining correct technique and key things to keep in mind, as well as demonstration photos/videos
⭐The program has 6 levels: Novice, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite & Expert. Each level has varying numbers of sets and repetitions for each exercise, resulting in varying levels of difficulty.
⭐13 printable training charts:
1 colour-coded master chart that lists all exercises, all levels, the sets and reps for each level/exercise and time estimates of how long it should take to complete each level as a whole, as well as each individual section within the level (ex: upper body section).
12 charts listing the exercises, sets and reps for each level and stunt position (1 for each level for bases/backspots + 1 for each level for flyers). To clarify, there's one for novice flyers, novice bases/backspots, beginner flyers, beginner bases/backspots, intermediate flyers, intermediate bases/backspots, and so on.
Each chart has space to write in dates at the top of each column (practice days or whichever date you are training on) to keep track of how often you do it. Each column also has separate boxes beside each exercise so you can check off the exercises as you complete them. Think of it as one big checklist✅ to help you keep track of which exercises you do and on which days!
Coaches, this is helpful for you so athletes can keep track of their training themselves, rather than you constantly watching and making sure they complete everything.
This program is not made up of exercises to do WHILE in a stunt. The exercises are mostly individual ones that athletes do on the ground by themselves, not in the air or while holding a flyer (with the exception of one exercise).
Hello, I'm Deryn!
I've been involved in all star cheerleading for the past 14 years as both an athlete and coach. I'm a Registered Kinesiologist, which is also sometimes known as an exercise scientist or athletic trainer. I completed a Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation, a Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology and a Diploma in Fitness in Health Promotion. My goal is to provide educational content to the cheer community through social media, training programs and courses. I want cheerleaders to train right so they can perform better!
Do I pay a one-time fee or a subscription?
You only pay a one-time fee. There is no subscription or recurring payment.
Can I access the program on my phone or tablet?
Yes, you can access it on any device.
Can I download the training program?
Yes, you will be able to download the documents and should print out the training charts to use while training. Once downloaded, please refrain from sharing the program with other athletes/coaches/gyms who have not purchased it themselves. If you are a coach and are using the program for your team(s), of course you can share it with them, as they will need the list of exercises or the training charts to know what exactly they're doing. :)
Can I do the program at home or do I need to be in a gym?
You can do the program at home, although a few of the exercises require equipment such as a resistance band, a medicine ball, a trampoline or a rope to climb. If you or your gym do not have those pieces of equipment, you can leave those exercises out or substitute them with something else that is more suitable.
Do I need any equipment?
As listed in the answer above, the program involves minimal equipment — the majority of exercises are bodyweight exercises that can be done on the floor, but a few require additional props/apparatus. Since you may not own or have access to some of the equipment needed, you can skip over the exercises that do require it or substitute them with another exercise of your choice.
Can I also do exercises that aren't included in the program?
The program I designed includes exercises that I have found to be the most effective at improving strength and endurance for stunting, while still being practical for cheer athletes (meaning I did not include anything involving excessive equipment, weights, etc.). Since tons of exercises exist, you can always add or subtract things from the program if you find them to be ineffective or not useful for you/your team. Although, as mentioned above, I believe the exercises included will definitely be sufficient.
Is my credit card safe?
Yes. Stripe will handle the billing and provide a secure socket layer, 128-bit encryption. As Teachable has said, your credit card data is safer making an online purchase through this secure site than it is when paying for gas or buying food at a restaurant. So, feel comfortable knowing your transaction is completely protected from fraud.
Do you offer any refunds?
Sorry, unfortunately there are no refunds due to the nature of the product. Since the program can be downloaded, there is no way to return it.